At the start of 2020, WolverineSoft Studio will not even be a year old, yet its membership has grown exponentially. In this critical period of growth for our student organization and the Michigan games industry, there are a multitude of meaningful ways that you can contribute to our continued success and expansion. Our official sponsor, the University of Michigan, is a certified 501(c)(3), and we are able to provide a W9 form if requested. Please consider the following options in supporting our student organization! Our student leaders would be happy to organize events in collaboration with your company and discuss any other courses of action.

The Process

For companies that kindly choose to support WolverineSoft, there are two types of charitable donations that the University of Michigan will process:


Gifts of funding are straightfoward and can be done through credit card or through check.

To give online by credit card, use our online gift-giving portal, located here:

To give by check,
Make payable to: "University of Michigan"
Memo line: "Gift to WolverineSoft"
Mail to: University of Michigan College of Engineering
1221 Beal Ave. Suite G264
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

The Regents of the University of Michigan has 501(c)(3) non-profit tax exempt status; our federal tax ID number is 38‐6006309.

Gifts In-Kind

Gifts in-kind include non-cash charitable donations such as equipment, technology, hardware, software, and so forth. The process is a little more complex. Here are the steps:

1) The donor determines the value of the items donated

2) If the value is over $5000, the donor notifies us as to whether or not they intend to send an IRS Form 8283 for a University signature - if so, we process it appropriately

3) The donor provides us with documentation of the donation's delivery

Both types of donations qualify for the tiers of support listed above!

2020 Goals

Game Jams

In 2020, WolverineSoft aims to host four 48-hour game development competitions, including its official registration as a site for the 2020 Global Game Jam. Our rapid growth in membership means that these game jams will be some of the biggest that WolverineSoft has ever seen.

Project Showcase

In the Winter semester of 2020, WolverineSoft hosts a student studio of 90+ members - the biggest in its history. At the end of its development, the finished project will be showcased at the University's EECS 494 game showcase and published on as well as on the student organization's website.

IDGA Ann Arbor

IGDA, the International Game Developers Association, has a branch in Ann Arbor that meets monthly. Our goal is to send a small group of WolverineSoft members to IGDA each month to represent our student org.

Expand Workspace

In order to meet the growing demands of a rapidly increasing membership, WolverineSoft aims to equip its workspace with new tools, hardware, and software. To do this will require additional equipment and resources.

Thank You!